vendredi 21 décembre 2018

Christmass party at hald before I went to Kristiansand,
I really like this moment because it reminds me Madagascar during the Christmass day and the first time that the Malagasy group only can sing together for once at hald.
not only that the most funny thing in this that every students who came from the different country song also and can show how they celebrate Christmass in their own country

Brazilian show

20 December at 8, Christmas concert in the big church call DOM KIRKKE in the middle of the town, I sing there in Malagasy Christmas song  not only me but there are many people from the different country who live in Kristiansand now, for example, Germany Bolivia,arabe, Iran, Congo Eritrea, Norske, Nepal, chine, Japan, Madagascar,etc..All those people perform a Christmas song to introduce their own country here in Norway,
after the concert, we hang out with friends and hald student

 mac donals


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